Goal, Strategies and Initiatives
For Northern Kentucky to grow and prosper we must cultivate the next generation of regional stewards who are civic entrepreneurs, integrators, and coalition builders. Therefore, Northern Kentucky set a goal to cultivate regional stewardship as a defining quality of our region.
Four strategies for achieving regional stewardship:
- Increase the number of women, minorities and young people in key leadership positions
- Expand leadership development opportunities throughout the region
- Build and sustain a culture of civic volunteerism and philanthropy
- Create a Regional Stewardship Council to lead the implementation of Vision 2015 (developed in 2006)
Latest Developments on Related Initiatives
Pass on the Power of Giving
Let’s capture and share the philanthropic spirit that was evident at the Northern Kentucky Celebration of Philanthropy! Pass on this token to someone you want to thank or recognize for their generosity.
Volunteer Website
NKYHelps.org is a great way to get involved or promote opportunities that need volunteers. New features have been added to the website to home page, such as links to NKY Helps at Facebook and Twitter.
Here are statistics as of August 2010:
- Total page views since inception: 406,060
- Active volunteer listings as of Aug. 12: 108
- Number of donate/share listings: 171
- Number of registered volunteers: 1,450
- Number of approved organizations: 188
- Number of “clicks” generated to organization Web sites: 49,800
Northern Kentucky Forum
The NKY Forum is a partnership between Vision 2015, Legacy and the Scripps Howard Center for Civic Engagement. The Forum continues to move forward toward accomplishing all of its 2011 goals. Two events were held in May, each attracting more than 100 attendees. The May 10th event, Meet the Editor, featured Enquirer Editor Carolyn Washburn in a one-on-one conversation with reporter Joe Webb, followed by audience questions. The May 12th Forum, Place Matters, was a two hour event with two speakers, a panel discussion and audience break-out sessions all targeted to the subject of place and what form our region’s development should take in the future.
Upcoming Forum topics include: the future of the Tea Party, local food, structure of local government, matching our workforce to available jobs, regional infrastructure and a mock trail about the death penalty.
Service Learnin
Service learning has become a defining aspect of creating a culture of regional stewardship among youth in Northern Kentucky. Children Inc. continues to expand the impact for students participating in service learning in their schools. Recent developments include: Children, Inc. has accepted another school into the partnership and has a waiting list for schools seeking to join this regional service learning network. Junior Achievement and Children, Inc.’s Service Learning division have joined hands to integrate financial literacy, business planning and service learning methods. This year, at least 12 classes in K- grade 12 have the opportunity to increase their own financial literacy while learning how to be social entrepreneurs! Already, students in 81 projects have had the opportunity to learn about business concepts and social entrepreneurship by raising $23,000 in micro enterprises and giving their revenues to worthy causes locally and globally.
Service Learning statistics to date for the 2010-2011 school year:
- Nearly 20,000 students have completed or are currently involved in a service learning project.
- Students in 60+ schools are currently carrying out or have completed 254 projects.
- An additional 91 projects are in the draft (investigation and designing) stage.